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The Traveling Salesman - Greedy Solution in Javascript for Mapping
Scenario: You have many pushpins on Bing Maps (or any javascript API), and you want to quickly re-order them to reduce total trip length. You either want a straight line (do not care which stop is first and which is last) or a round trip (use first stop as the start and end).

The javascript code is a function called resortStops() (as in re-sort)
This uses a very simple greedy algorithm to sort a series of Bing Maps Pushpins by location to optimize the stop order for route planning.
You will need to adapt to your own data. If you want a specific start/end point, that'd be trivial to implement as a variation.
Includes support for round trip, one way, or both (keep round trip only if already was round trip)

Array of string Ids named globalItineraryShapeIdArray represent your stops (in random order, that should be sorted)
Function getShapeByID(shapeId) to fetch a Bing Maps Pushpin Object for any given shapeId in the array
Each pushpin already has been preset with a variable pinid that stores its shapeId.
Function writeItineraryItemsToDiv() exists which will tell Bing to render the updated route when done.
Pushpin object has getLocation() method that returns a point; this is already done for you if you are using a Bing PushPin object.
Duplicate stops will be removed.
RoundTrip option: if true, it will keep stop 1 as both stop 1 and the last stop (even if wasn't set as last stop). If false, it will build a straight line trip. If null, it will build a straight line trip UNLESS the trip was already a round trip (same start/stop), in which case it will retain that same start/stop, only reordering mid-trip points.

There are several alerts commented out you can add for debugging, and one that will only fire if it detects an infinite loop and manually breaks (shouldn't happen)

// sort itinerary using a greedy sort to set order of stops somewhat reasonably. User can manually clean up. This just gets a reasonable starting point.
// if roundTrip is true, keeps 1st point as 'start' and builds a round trip, adding start point to the end.
// if roundTrip is null, but it WAS a roundtrip (same start/end pt), it will be kept a round trip.
function resortStops(roundTrip) {
if (globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length <= 1)

if (roundTrip == null) {
if (globalItineraryShapeIdArray[0] == globalItineraryShapeIdArray[globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length - 1]) {
roundTrip = true; // it already was a RT, so keep it that way

// clear cached connections
for (var i = 0; i < globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length; i++) {
var shapeId = globalItineraryShapeIdArray[i];
var pushpin = getShapeByID(shapeId);
pushpin.connectedFrom = null;
pushpin.connectedTo = null;

if (roundTrip) { // keep current start
//alert('keeping ' + getShapeByID(globalItineraryShapeIdArray[0]));
getShapeByID(globalItineraryShapeIdArray[0]).connectedFrom = 'start'; // use this as start

// connect all points until none are left unconnected
var minDistance = -1;
while (minDistance != null) {
minDistance = setMinConnection();

// get starting point
var startPin = null;
if (roundTrip) { // keep current start
//alert('starting with ' + globalItineraryShapeIdArray[0]);
startPin = getShapeByID(globalItineraryShapeIdArray[0])
else { // choose any end point as start
for (var i = 0; i < globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length; i++) {
var shapeId = globalItineraryShapeIdArray[i];
var pushpin = getShapeByID(shapeId);
if (pushpin.connectedTo == null || pushpin.connectedFrom == null)
startPin = pushpin; // a start or end

// now resort output
globalItineraryShapeIdArray = new Array();
var currentPin = startPin;
while (currentPin != null) {

// check for bad data/infinite loop. Sanity check, not really needed.
var isDuplicate = false;
for (var i = 0; i < globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length; i++) {
var shapeId = globalItineraryShapeIdArray[i];
var pushpin = getShapeByID(shapeId);
if (shapeId == currentPin.pinid) {
alert('ERROR - inserting duplicate pin: ' + getPushpinAlert(currentPin)); // better never happen!
isDuplicate = true;
currentPin = null;

// passed check
if (!isDuplicate) {
// alert(currentPin.pinid);
if (currentPin.connectedTo != null && currentPin.connectedTo != startPin) {
startPin = currentPin;
currentPin = currentPin.connectedTo;
else if (currentPin.connectedFrom != null && currentPin.connectedFrom != startPin) {
startPin = currentPin;
currentPin = currentPin.connectedFrom;
currentPin = null;


// loop back if RT
if (roundTrip) {
startPin = getShapeByID(globalItineraryShapeIdArray[0]);
//alert('looping to ' + startPin.pinid);


// find all unconnected points and connect the 2 that are nearest to eachother
function setMinConnection() {
var minDistance = 99999999;
var minStartPushpin = null;
var minEndPushpin = null;
for (var i = 0; i < globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length; i++) {
var shapeId = globalItineraryShapeIdArray[i];
var pushpin = getShapeByID(shapeId);

for (var j = 0; j < globalItineraryShapeIdArray.length; j++) {
var otherShapeId = globalItineraryShapeIdArray[j];
if (otherShapeId != shapeId) {
var otherPushpin = getShapeByID(otherShapeId);
var dist = distanceKm(pushpin.getLocation().latitude, pushpin.getLocation().longitude, otherPushpin.getLocation().latitude, otherPushpin.getLocation().longitude);
// if this is smallest distance and pin has at least one open connection and they're not already connected
if (dist < minDistance
&& !areConnected(pushpin, otherPushpin, null)
&& (pushpin.connectedTo == null || pushpin.connectedFrom == null) // must have room for a connection
&& (otherPushpin.connectedTo == null || otherPushpin.connectedFrom == null)
minDistance = dist;
//alert('foudn min ' + dist);
minStartPushpin = pushpin;
minEndPushpin = otherPushpin;
if (minStartPushpin != null && minEndPushpin != null) { // found 2 points to connect
if (minStartPushpin.connectedTo == null) {
minStartPushpin.connectedTo = minEndPushpin;
else {
minStartPushpin.connectedFrom = minEndPushpin;

if (minEndPushpin.connectedFrom == null) {
minEndPushpin.connectedFrom = minStartPushpin;
else {
minEndPushpin.connectedTo = minStartPushpin;
return minDistance; // something connected
return null;

function areConnected(pin1, pin2, pinParent) {
if (pin1 == pin2)
return true; // same pin
if (pin1.connectedFrom == pin2 || pin1.connectedTo == pin2)
return true; // directly connected
if (pin1.connectedFrom != null && pin1.connectedFrom != pinParent && areConnected(pin1.connectedFrom, pin2, pin1))
return true; // from pin is connected (and not to parent)
if (pin1.connectedTo != null && pin1.connectedTo != pinParent && areConnected(pin1.connectedTo, pin2, pin1))
return true; // from pin is connected (and not to parent)
return false;

// function getPushpinAlert(pushpin) {
// return pushpin.pinid + ", t " + (pushpin.connectedTo == null ? "" : pushpin.connectedTo.pinid) + ", f " + (pushpin.connectedFrom == null ? "" : pushpin.connectedFrom.pinid)
// }

function distanceKm(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
var R = 6371;
var a =
0.5 - Math.cos((lat2 - lat1) * Math.PI / 180) / 2 +
Math.cos(lat1 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(lat2 * Math.PI / 180) *
(1 - Math.cos((lon2 - lon1) * Math.PI / 180)) / 2;
return R * 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a));


How does it work?

Loop over the N stops N times, each time linking the two closest stops that are not yet linked to each other (even through other stops) to create a linked chain.
Pick an end of the chain at random.
Re-sort your array by running through the chain in order.
If it should be a round trip, adds the start back to the end.
Call getDirections API.

Note: distanceKm is a useful function that gets straight-line distance in km from one point to another. This is another shortcut vs. getting full driving distance which would take a long time.

Created By: amos 2/27/2014 4:57:33 PM
Updated: 3/31/2014 12:56:31 PM